View Node Weight Configure and Adjust Cluster Quorum Node Weight Settings.

Configure Cluster Quorum NodeWeight Settings

Note :- Before Executing below command on 

Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 it is compulsory to execute below hotfix in the servers.. 

A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2

In order to View

Import-Module FailoverClusters
$cluster = "LapCluster"
$nodes = Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $cluster
$nodes | Format-Table -property NodeName, State, NodeWeight


Adjusting Voting Rights for the cluster:-


With the cluster service started, voting rights for the nodes can be adjusted. If the remote node does not have a vote, then it will need to be configured to have a vote.

launch Windows Powershell using Administrator account..
Import-Module FailoverClusters
(Get-ClusterNode –Name "NodeName").NodeWeight=1
Get-ClusterNode | fl Name, NodeWeight

PS C:\Windows\System32> (Get-ClusterNode –Name “Node1”).NodeWeight=1  
PS C:\Windows\System32> (Get-ClusterNode –Name “Node2”).NodeWeight=1  

PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-ClusterNode | fl Name,NodeWeight

How to remove the votes of  nodes:-

launch Windows Powershell using Administrator account..
Import-Module FailoverClusters


PS C:\Windows\System32> (Get-ClusterNode –Name “Node1”).NodeWeight=0

Why below Error:-

Exception setting "NodeWeight": "Unable to save property changes for 'Node2'."
At line:1 char:33
+ (Get-Clusternode -Name "Node2"). <<<< nodeWeight=0
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyAssignmentException

The reason is for Node2  above hotfix was not installed.

Force Cluster to start at DR site node

Sometime, With the failure of the primary data center, quorum will be lost.  In order to bring the cluster service up on the remote node, then quorum must be forced, to start on the node at the DR site.

 Start an elevated Windows PowerShell via Run as Administrator on Node3, and execute the following:
Start-ClusterNode –Name "<NodeName>" -FixQuorum

PS C:\Windows\System32> Start-clusternode –Name “Node3”  -FixQuorum


Name                                                               ID                             State
------                                                                -----                         --------
Node3                                                                                          3                                    joining

Now Confirm that Cluster has started on the node:-
Get-ClusterNode –Name “<NodeName>”

C:\Windows\System32> Get-ClusterNode –Name “Node3

Name                                                               ID                             State
------                                                                -----                         --------

Node3                                                                                         3                                          Up

Thank's for reading...