Using Powershell how to failover Resource Group & Available storage from one node to another..

In cluster Administrator, we have a storage resource name SQL02, which is not assigned to any node and kept as Available Storage and its Owner Node is XX1DBTSJR17F02.
The requirement is to install SQL Server 2016 on storage SQL02.
I executed SQL server installation setup from XX1DBTSJR17F01.
The setup got failed stated there is no disk for SQL Server installation.
It looks to me GUI does not give any option to failover SQL02 from XX1DBTSJR17FO2 to XX1DBTSJR17FO1  

Q:- Now the question is how to move SQL02 available storage from XX1DBTSJR17FO2 to XX1DBTSJR17FO1 and start installation.

It gives an error Root of the path G:\MSSQL14.XX1DBTSJR17SQL17\MSSQL\DATA does not exist.

Hence below PowerShell script will move Available storage from one node to another node.

  1. We are creating a powershell function to move any resource from one node to another node.

Function Failver-SQLServerServices()
Compile this function in powershell window using run as Administrator.


  Failover SQL Server services from Active to Passive Node & Vice Versa

  DBA team will check back up and move the roles to other node  -  Need the script / commands which you use to do this activity .
   windows team will include this in the main script.


  Author: Rakesh Kumar


         [Parameter( Mandatory=$true
                            , HelpMessage='The Name of the SQL Server resource group'



         ,[Parameter( Mandatory=$true

                   , HelpMessage='The TargetNode'

            [Parameter( Mandatory=$true

                 , HelpMessage='The Windows Cluster Name'
Import-Module FailoverClusters

Write-Host "Resource group $GroupName  moving  to node $TargetNode ...";
  Move-ClusterGroup –Name $GroupName -Node $TargetNode -Cluster $Workingcluster;
Write-Host "Resource group $GroupName was moved to node $TargetNode succesfully...";


1.PowerShell Command to retrieve cluster FQDN   
   Get-Cluster | fl * -- command to retrieve complete cluster details

2.PowerShell Command to retrieve cluster resources
   Get-ClusterResource – command to retrieve cluster resources

3.PowerShell Command to retrieve cluster nodes
   Get-ClusterNode  -- command to retrieve Cluster nodes

4.PowerShell Command to retrieve cluster group -- This command will give all roles and its owner Node 

# Calling functions- Now we have to call Failver-SQLServerServices function based on changing parameters..

1. In order to move SQL Server resource 'Available Storage' group from 'XX1DBTSJR17F01' to XX1DBTSJR17F02 we need toexecute below function.

Failver-SQLServerServices -GroupName 'Available Storage' -TargetNode 'XX1DBTSJR17F01' -Workingcluster 'XX1DBTSJR17FA.JXXAB.LOCAL'


if we have to failover SQL Server role from one node to another node you can use same user defined function "Failver-SQLServerServices", hence you will save lot of time.

Before executing below function we need to retrieve 3 values
  1. Cluster Group Name
  2. Target Node
  3.Working Cluster Name 

1.How to retrieve Cluster group Name: - IN order to retrieve Cluster Group Name we have to execute command Get-Cluster | fl *
it will give output like 
Domain                                  : JXXAB.LOCAL

Name                                    : XX1DBTSJR17FA

whole string will be :XX1DBTSJR17FA.JXXAB.LOCAL

2. How to retrieve Target Node:- in order to retrieve Target Node, execute  Get-ClusterNode commmand. output of this command will give to Node name, you have to decide which node you have to select to failover of role. 

3.  Cluster Group Name: - IN order to retrieve Cluster group Name you have to execute

output of Get-ClusterGroup will be like this:-
PS C:\Users\LabGuestAdmin>  Get-Clustergroup

Name                     OwnerNode      State 
----                     ---------      ----- 
Available Storage        XX1DBTSJR17F02 Online
Cluster Group            XX1DBTSJR17F02 Online

XX1DBTSJR17SQL17         XX1DBTSJR17F01 Online

here this indicate SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) owner node is XX1DBTSJR17F01


1. In order to move SQL Server Role from XX1DBTSJR17F01 to XX1DBTSJR17F02

use below command 

Failver-SQLServerServices -GroupName 'SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)' -TargetNode 'XX1DBTSJR17F02' -Workingcluster 'XX1DBTSJR17FA.JXXAB.LOCAL'