Add a NIC to an existing VM in Azure gets error Update-AzureRmVm : Virtual machine sqlnode1 must have one network interface set as the primary. ErrorCode: VirtualMachineMustHaveOneNetworkInterfaceAsPrimary

while adding additional NIC to the existing VM in Azure  i received  below error.

Error that comes in Powershell..

Update-AzureRmVm : Virtual machine sqlnode1 must have one network interface set as the primary.
ErrorCode: VirtualMachineMustHaveOneNetworkInterfaceAsPrimary
ErrorMessage: Virtual machine sqlnode1 must have one network interface set as the primary.
StatusCode: 400
ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
OperationID : b4b511bd-5333-4f18-b04c-22a8bf627923
At line:1 char:52
+ ... e -VM $vm -Id $nicId | Update-AzureRmVm -ResourceGroupName "rakctlrg"
+                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [Update-AzureRmVM], ComputeCloudException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.UpdateAzureVMCommand

In order to resolve this issue, we have to execute below steps:-


$vm = Get-AzureRmVm -Name "sqlnode1" -ResourceGroupName "rakctlrg"
$VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Item(0).primary = $true
Update-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName "rakctlrg" -VM $VM

Important point to note:-

1. VM should be in deallocated state.
2. we can add multiple NIC in a VM, but it depends on the size of VM, example D2s v3  can support maximum of 2 NIC.
3. when adding 2nd NIC, first NIC should be on primary NIC.

Thanks for Reading..