Troubleshooting Failed Volume Mounting in Kubernetes: Analysis of 'MountVolume.MountDevice' Error"


mounting a file share to a Kubernetes pod using the CIFS protocol. Specifically, the mount command failed with an exit status of 32, indicating that the mount operation encountered an error.

The output of the mount command indicates that the mount failed due to a permission denied error. This suggests that the Kubernetes pod is not authorized to access the Azure file share.

Error :-

Warning  FailedMount       31s (x7 over 63s)  kubelet            MountVolume.MountDevice failed for volume "pv-azure-file" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = volume(#azure-secret#sqlfileshare#pv-azure-file#rak) mount // on /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ failed with mount failed: exit status 32

Mounting command: mount

Mounting arguments: -t cifs -o gid=10001,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,actimeo=30,mfsymlinks,<masked> // /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/

Output: mount error(13): Permission denied 

Problem : Pod not coming up

This error message indicates that the Kubernetes volume mount has failed due to a permission denied error while attempting to mount a file share from the Azure Storage account. There could be various reasons for this error, such as incorrect credentials, missing dependencies, or incorrect access settings.

Here are some things you can try to resolve the issue:

Check the credentials: Ensure that the storage account name, file share name, and access key are correct. You can validate the credentials by running the mount command manually on the node.

Check the access settings: Ensure that the file share has been configured to allow access from the Kubernetes node's IP address or subnet. You can check this by reviewing the networking settings in the Azure portal.

Check dependencies: Ensure that the necessary dependencies are installed on the Kubernetes node. For example, if the node is running Ubuntu, ensure that the cifs-utils package is installed.

Check permissions: Ensure that the Kubernetes node has permission to mount the file share. You can check this by reviewing the access control settings in the Azure portal.

Check the logs: Check the Kubernetes logs to see if there are any additional error messages that could provide further insight into the root cause of the issue.

By troubleshooting these issues, you can hopefully resolve the permission denied error and mount the Azure file share successfully.

Observed secret for fileshare was not correct. 

somebody rotated the accesskey of the Storage account, I later updated the storage accountkey in the azure-secret and then restarted the pod and pod started running successfully.

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