AZ CLI Create a Storage account based on below Exhibit



In cloud environments, securing access to resources such as storage accounts is a priority for organizations. One of the most effective ways to enhance security is by implementing Azure Private Endpoints. This feature ensures that traffic between your virtual network and Azure services travels securely over the Microsoft backbone network, avoiding exposure to the public internet.

In this blog post, we will dive into how to create a secure Azure Storage Account using Private Endpoints, walking through the commands provided and breaking down each step. By the end of this guide, you’ll not only understand the purpose of each command but also have a clear idea of how to deploy these resources securely using Azure CLI.

Table of Contents:

  1. Key Concepts in Azure Networking and Storage Security
    • Resource Groups and Storage Accounts
    • Virtual Networks (VNets) and Subnets
    • Private Endpoints and Private Link
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Azure Storage with Private Endpoints
    • Creating a Resource Group
    • Setting Up a Storage Account
    • Configuring a Virtual Network (VNet)
    • Implementing Private Endpoints
  3. Memory Techniques for Key Concepts
    • Mnemonics for Resource Creation
    • Story-based Learning for Private Endpoints
  4. Use Case: Enhancing Data Security in a Corporate Environment
  5. Conclusion

1. Key Concepts in Azure Networking and Storage Security

Before we dive into the practical steps, it’s important to understand the key components involved in securing an Azure Storage Account using Private Endpoints:

Resource Groups:

A resource group is a logical container that holds related Azure resources. It allows you to manage and organize resources in a structured way.

  • Command: az group create --location <region> --name <resource-group-name>

Storage Accounts:

An Azure Storage Account provides scalable and highly secure storage in the cloud. It’s where your data (like blobs, files, queues, and tables) is stored.

  • Command: az storage account create --name <storage-name> --resource-group <resource-group> --sku Standard_LRS

Virtual Networks (VNets) and Subnets:

VNets are your private network in Azure. Within VNets, subnets allow you to segment your network into smaller ranges of IP addresses, enhancing isolation and control.

  • Command: az network vnet create --resource-group <resource-group> --name <vnet-name> --address-prefix <vnet-address-range> --subnet-name <subnet-name> --subnet-prefix <subnet-address-range>

Private Endpoints:

Private Endpoints allow you to connect your virtual network to Azure services (e.g., Storage, SQL) via a private IP. Traffic between your resources and the Azure service stays on the Azure backbone network, improving security.

  • Command: az network private-endpoint create --name <private-endpoint-name> --resource-group <resource-group> --vnet-name <vnet-name> --subnet <subnet-name> --private-connection-resource-id <resource-id> --group-id <resource-type>

2. Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Azure Storage with Private Endpoints

Let’s break down each of the steps from the provided script to understand what’s happening.

Step 1: Create a Resource Group

Every Azure resource must belong to a resource group. Creating a resource group helps in managing related resources.


az group create --location NorthEurope --name RG101

This command creates a new resource group named RG101 in the North Europe region.

Step 2: Create a Storage Account

Here, you’re creating a Storage Account that will store your data in the cloud.


az storage account create -n storage16852 -g RG101 --kind StorageV2 --https-only --access-tier Hot --sku Standard_LRS
  • storage16852: The name of your storage account.
  • Standard_LRS: Locally-redundant storage for the storage account.
  • --https-only: Ensures secure communication with HTTPS.
  • --access-tier Hot: Optimizes for frequent access.

Step 3: Set Up a Virtual Network (VNet) and Subnet

You need to create a virtual network and a subnet to define the range of IP addresses that can communicate with your storage account.


az network vnet create -g RG101 -n storagevnet --address-prefix --subnet-name 'subnet3' --subnet-prefix
  • VNet Address Prefix ( The range of IP addresses for your entire virtual network.
  • Subnet Address Prefix ( A smaller segment within the VNet.

Step 4: Disable Private Endpoint Network Policies

To allow private endpoint creation within the subnet, you need to disable subnet-level network policies.


az network vnet subnet update --name subnet3 --resource-group RG101 --vnet-name storagevnet --disable-private-endpoint-network-policies true

This allows the VNet’s subnet to accept private endpoints.

Step 5: Create a Private Endpoint for the Storage Account

Now, you create a private endpoint that links the storage account to the VNet via a private IP address.


$storage_id=$(az storage account show -g RG101 -n storage16852 --query "id" -o tsv) az network private-endpoint create --name myPrivateEndpoint --resource-group RG101 --vnet-name storagevnet --subnet subnet3 --private-connection-resource-id $storage_id --group-id blob --connection-name myConnection


  • $storage_id: Captures the storage account’s resource ID.
  • private-connection-resource-id: The resource ID of the storage account.
  • --group-id blob: Specifies the type of service the endpoint connects to (Blob storage).

3. Memory Techniques for Key Concepts

Mnemonics for Resource Creation:

Use the mnemonic “RSVP” to remember the order of creation:

  • R for Resource Group: Create your logical container first.
  • S for Storage Account: Set up your secure storage.
  • V for Virtual Network: Define your network and subnet.
  • P for Private Endpoint: Create your secure connection to the storage.

Story-based Learning:

Imagine you're setting up a private storage vault in a secure building. First, you need to decide where (the Resource Group), then you need to buy a secure vault (the Storage Account). Next, you build walls and gates around the building (the VNet and Subnet), ensuring only authorized people (your Private Endpoint) can enter through the private access doors.

4. Use Case: Enhancing Data Security in a Corporate Environment


Your company needs to store sensitive financial documents in the cloud. It’s crucial that no public internet access is allowed to the storage account. Instead, the company wants to secure the storage by ensuring all traffic to it flows through its private network.


By using Azure Private Endpoints, you can ensure that all communication between your storage account and your virtual machines stays within the Azure backbone network. This enhances data security and ensures that sensitive documents are not exposed to public networks.

Command Example:


az network private-endpoint create \ --name FinancialDataEndpoint \ --resource-group CorporateDataGroup \ --vnet-name CorporateVNet \ --subnet FinanceSubnet \ --private-connection-resource-id $(az storage account show -g CorporateDataGroup -n FinanceStorage --query "id" -o tsv) \ --group-id blob \ --connection-name FinanceStorageConnection

5. Conclusion

Securing a storage account using Private Endpoints in Azure ensures that sensitive data remains accessible only within your virtual network, significantly enhancing security. Using Azure CLI, you can automate and simplify the process of creating resource groups, storage accounts, VNets, and private endpoints.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can set up a secure environment to protect your data and avoid exposing it to public networks. With practical commands, Azure Portal instructions, and mnemonics, you now have the knowledge to confidently implement secure Azure Storage solutions in your projects.

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