Create shared access signature (SAS) named SAS1 for Storage as exhibit below.

 You have an Azure subscription named Subscription1.

In Subscription1, you create an Azure file share named MyFileShare.

You create a shared access signature (SAS) named SAS1 as shown in the following exhibit.

Write a AZ CLI Code and print the SAS1 value 

$location="North Europe"
$storageaccountname= "storage16854"

#A virtual network named Paris-VNet that will contain two sub#nets named Subnet1 and Subnet2

# Create a resource group.
az group create --location $location --name $myResourceGroup

az storage account create -n $storageaccountname  -g $MyResourceGroup  --kind StorageV2 --https-only --access-tier Hot --sku Standard_LRS 

az storage share create --account-name $storageaccountname --name myfileshare02

$pkey = az storage account keys list -g $myResourceGroup  -n $storageaccountname   --query [0].value -o tsv

$sastoken = az storage account generate-sas --start '2018-09-01' --expiry '2018-09-14' --permissions rwl --resource-types sco --services f --https-only --account-name storage16852   --account-key $pkey --ip


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