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I am an MCSE in Data Management and Analytics, specializing in MS SQL Server, and an MCP in Azure. With over 19+ years of experience in the IT industry, I bring expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data Center Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning, as well as Virtualization and automation. I have a deep passion for driving innovation through infrastructure automation, particularly using Terraform for efficient provisioning. If you're looking for guidance on automating your infrastructure or have questions about Azure, SQL Server, or cloud migration, feel free to reach out. I often write to capture my own experiences and insights for future reference, but I hope that sharing these experiences through my blog will help others on their journey as well. Thank you for reading!

How to enable TDE Encryption on a database in an Availability Group

How to enable TDE Encryption on a database in an Availability Group


To follow the procedures outlined in this article you need:

An AlwaysOn Availability Group with at least one Primary and one Secondary replica defined.
At least one database in the Availability Group.
A Database Master Key on all replica servers (primary and secondary servers)
A Server Certificate installed on all replica instances (primary and all secondary replicas).

Primary replica -- sql95
Secondary replica -- sql94
Database Name -- TDE_DB

Step 1:Verify each replica instance has a Database Master Key (DMK) in Master – if not, create one.

use master
select * from sys.symmetric_keys where name = '##MS_DatabaseMasterKey##'

Create MASTER key encryption by password = '#-9b6#WR'

Execute below command to ensure database master key has been created.

select * from sys.symmetric_keys
where name = '##MS_DatabaseMasterKey##'

Step-2.Create a Server Certificate on the primary replica instance
use master
Create certificate TDE_DB_EncryptionCert
with subject='TDE Certificate for the ADV_DB database',
EXPIRY_DATE = '20301031';

-- To validate that the certificate was created, you can issue the following query:

select name,expiry_date,pvt_key_encryption_type_desc,thumbprint from sys.certificates

on sql95 & sql94 - Create  folder named CertificateFolder on D:\drive and backup the certificate file on sql95 

use master
backup certificate TDE_DB_EncryptionCert
to FILE = 'd:\CertificateFolder\EncryptionCert'
with private key (FILE = 'd:\CertificateFolder\TDE_DB_PrivateFile',
ENCRYPTION by password = '#-9b6#WR')

After executing above backup certificate command 2 files will get created in d:\CertificateFolder 

copy both files [EncryptionCert & TDE_DB_PrivateFile] on \\sql94\d$\CertificateFolder.

Ensure File has been copied successfully.

execute below command on secondary replica in my case it is sql94

use master
select * from sys.symmetric_keys where name = '##MS_DatabaseMasterkey##'

Create MASTER key encryption by password = '#-9b6#WR'
use master

Create Certificate TDE_DB_EncryptionCert
from file = 'd:\CertificateFolder\EncryptionCert'
with private key
   File ='d:\CertificateFolder\TDE_DB_PrivateFile',
   Decryption by password ='#-9b6#WR'

Verify certificate  created on secondary replica.
 please note without creating certificate, do not proceed with below step, otherwise database on secondary will come in suspect state.

select name,expiry_date,pvt_key_encryption_type_desc,thumbprint from sys.certificates

okay, now go  back to sql95, its primary replica and execute below command this  will create the Database Encryption Key on the Primary Replica Instance

use [ADV_DB]

create database encryption key
with ALGORITHM = AES_256
ENCRYPTION BY SERVER Certificate  TDE_DB_EncryptionCert

Turn on Database Encryption on the Primary Replica Instance

Alter database [ADV_DB]  set encryption ON

you will get a message command completed successfully.

however using below command you have to check its encryption state

1 = Unencrypted

2 = Encryption in progress

3 = Encrypted

  select db_name(database_id),encryption_state,
from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys

it will take some time, but database will remain online.


In case customer says to remove the TDE on ADV_DB.

On primary replica:-

Use Master
Alter database  ADV_DB Set encryption off
This command will complete immediately, however we have to run below command to check the encryption_state
select db_name(database_id),encryption_state,
from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys

Check the encryption_state, the encryption state will change from 3 to 1 and it will take time, I observed for 1 GB Database it took 1 minute.
As soon as encryption state change from 3  to 1, we have to execute below command to remove encryption key from database.

use ADV_DB
drop database encryption key

on secondary replica
use master
select * from sys.certificates;
--retrieve certificate name
DROP Certificate TDE_DB_EncryptionCert;
drop master key

on primary replica
use master
select * from sys.certificates;

--retrieve certificate name

Use master
DROP Certificate TDE_DB_EncryptionCert;

drop master key

Thanks for reading. for more details refer below link:-


We have one more scenario here

How to add a TDE encrypted database to an Availability Group-- for this you refer this below link.


Important links for preparation of Azure Certification Paper No # 70-535

Important links for preparation of Azure Certification Paper No # 70-535
