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I am an MCSE in Data Management and Analytics, specializing in MS SQL Server, and an MCP in Azure. With over 19+ years of experience in the IT industry, I bring expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data Center Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning, as well as Virtualization and automation. I have a deep passion for driving innovation through infrastructure automation, particularly using Terraform for efficient provisioning. If you're looking for guidance on automating your infrastructure or have questions about Azure, SQL Server, or cloud migration, feel free to reach out. I often write to capture my own experiences and insights for future reference, but I hope that sharing these experiences through my blog will help others on their journey as well. Thank you for reading!

How to creates a cluster log file for all nodes, or a specific a node, in a failover cluster in user local time.

How to creates a log file for all nodes, or a specific a node, in a failover cluster.

Here is the command which i use to get the ClusterLog in  userlocaltime for timespan of X minutes

you can execute below command to retrieve the clusterlog in userlocaltime for timespan of X minutes
You will execute this command on command prompt

Powershell.exe -ImportSystemModules -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -command Get-ClusterLog -Destination 'C:\xfer' -Node 'WIN2K12-2' -TimeSpan X -Uselocaltime

Here X can be any number between 1 to 60.

output be like:-

00000e4c.00000ab4::2018/08/10-10:11:54.758 INFO  [RES] Network Name: Agent: Sending request Netname/RecheckConfig to NN:1982beb0-3c46-43d4-8009-ea661b3aa6b0:Netbios
00000e4c.000012e4::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 ERR   [RES] IP Address <Cluster IP Address>: IP address is already in use on the network, status 5057.
00000e4c.000012e4::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RES] IP Address <Cluster IP Address>: Deleting IP interface D01A8C0.
00000e4c.000012e4::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 ERR   [RHS] Online for resource Cluster IP Address failed.
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 WARN  [RCM] HandleMonitorReply: ONLINERESOURCE for 'Cluster IP Address', gen(1) result 5018/0.
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] Res Cluster IP Address: OnlinePending -> ProcessingFailure( StateUnknown )
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] TransitionToState(Cluster IP Address) OnlinePending-->ProcessingFailure.
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 ERR   [RCM] rcm::RcmResource::HandleFailure: (Cluster IP Address)
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] resource Cluster IP Address: failure count: 1, restartAction: 2 persistentState: 1.
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] Resource Cluster IP Address is causing group Cluster Group to failover.
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] rcm::RcmGroup::Failover: (Cluster Group)
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 WARN  [RCM] Not failing over group Cluster Group, failoverCount 1, failoverThresholdSetting 4294967295, lastFailover 1601/01/01-00:00:00.000
00000de8.00000b3c::2018/08/10-10:11:54.992 INFO  [RCM] Cluster Name merits neither a notification nor a delayed restart