About Me

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I am MCSE in Data Management and Analytics with specialization in MS SQL Server and MCP in Azure. I have over 13+ years of experience in IT industry with expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data-Canter Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning and Virtualization and automation. Contact me if you are looking for any sort of guidance in getting your Infrastructure provisioning automated through Terraform. I sometime write for a place to store my own experiences for future search and read by own blog but can hopefully help others along the way. Thanks.

AZ CLI Create a Storage account based on below Exhibit





$location="North Europe"

# Create a resource group.

az group create --location $location --name $myResourceGroup

az storage account create -n storage16852  -g $MyResourceGroup  --kind StorageV2 --https-only --access-tier Hot --sku Standard_LRS 

az network vnet create -g $MyResourceGroup -n storagevnet --address-prefix --subnet-name 'subnet3' --subnet-prefix

az network vnet subnet update --name subnet3 --resource-group $MyResourceGroup --vnet-name storagevnet --disable-private-endpoint-network-policies true

$storage_id=$(az storage account show -g $MyResourceGroup -n storage16852 --query "id"  -o tsv)


az network private-endpoint create --name myPrivateEndpoint --resource-group $MyResourceGroup  --vnet-name storagevnet --subnet subnet3 --private-connection-resource-id $storage_id --group-id blob --connection-name myConnection

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