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I am MCSE in Data Management and Analytics with specialization in MS SQL Server and MCP in Azure. I have over 13+ years of experience in IT industry with expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data-Canter Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning and Virtualization and automation. Contact me if you are looking for any sort of guidance in getting your Infrastructure provisioning automated through Terraform. I sometime write for a place to store my own experiences for future search and read by own blog but can hopefully help others along the way. Thanks.

Manage storage account keys with Key Vault and the Azure CLI



$storagename = "stousefhplqa"

$container = "mybackupcontainer"

$ADE_KV_NAME = "keyvault-common-fhpl-qa"

$nameofsecret = "secnamefhplqa"

$upnname = "XXXXX.onmicrosoft.com" # put your valid upn name here

$subsid = "9239f519-XXXX-4e92-XXXX-c84d53XX3714"

# Create a resource group.

az group create --location $location --name $myResourceGroup

# Create a Storage Account

az storage account create --name $storagename --resource-group $myResourceGroup --location $location --sku Standard_LRS --kind=StorageV2

# Create a storage container

az storage container create --account-name $storagename --name $container

az keyvault create --name $ADE_KV_NAME --resource-group $myResourceGroup --location $location --sku premium 

echo "- Key vault: $ADE_KV_NAME"


az role assignment create --role "Storage Account Key Operator Service Role" --assignee 'https://vault.azure.net' --scope "/subscriptions/$subsid/resourceGroups/$myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storagename"

az keyvault set-policy --name $ADE_KV_NAME  --upn $upnname  --storage-permissions get list delete set update regeneratekey getsas listsas deletesas setsas recover backup restore purge

# Give your user principal access to all storage account permissions, on your Key Vault instance

az keyvault storage add --vault-name $ADE_KV_NAME -n $storagename  --active-key-name key1 --auto-regenerate-key --regeneration-period P1D --resource-id "/subscriptions/$subsid/resourceGroups/$myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storagename" 

$pkey = az storage account keys list -g $myResourceGroup  -n $storagename   --query [0].value -o tsv

$sastoken = az storage account generate-sas --expiry '2022-12-31' --permissions cdlruwap  --resource-types sco --services bfqt --https-only --account-name $storagename   --account-key (az storage account keys list -g $myResourceGroup  -n $storagename   --query [0].value -o tsv)


az keyvault storage sas-definition create --vault-name $ADE_KV_NAME  --account-name $storagename -n $nameofsecret --validity-period P1D --sas-type account --template-uri $sastoken

az keyvault storage sas-definition show --id "https://$ADE_KV_NAME.vault.azure.net/storage/$storagename/sas/$nameofsecret" 

az keyvault secret show --id "https://$ADE_KV_NAME.vault.azure.net/secrets/$storagename-$nameofsecret" 

1 comment:

Niharika Sree said...

Its very informative blog and useful article thank you for sharing with us , keep posting learn more

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