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I am MCSE in Data Management and Analytics with specialization in MS SQL Server and MCP in Azure. I have over 13+ years of experience in IT industry with expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data-Canter Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning and Virtualization and automation. Contact me if you are looking for any sort of guidance in getting your Infrastructure provisioning automated through Terraform. I sometime write for a place to store my own experiences for future search and read by own blog but can hopefully help others along the way. Thanks.

some basic select query practice

 Some basic Select Query Practice

Based on above table structure generate the output of below query.

A.Write a query to retrieve the total number of customers in the Customer table.
B.Write a query to retrieve the addresses of all customers in the CustomerAddress table, along with their corresponding first and last names from the Customer table.
C.Write a query to retrieve the number of customers per country in the Address table, sorted by country name in ascending order.
D.Write a query to retrieve the total number of distinct email addresses in the Customer table.
E.Write a query to retrieve the names and addresses of all customers who live in California.
F.Write a query to retrieve the number of customers who have a password hash value in the Customer table.
G.Write a query to retrieve the first and last names of all customers who have a salesperson assigned to them.
H.Write a query to retrieve the number of unique city names in the Address table.
I.Write a query to retrieve the first and last names of all customers who have a company name assigned to them.
J.Write a query to retrieve the first and last names of all customers who do not have a middle name assigned to them.

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