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I am an MCSE in Data Management and Analytics, specializing in MS SQL Server, and an MCP in Azure. With over 19+ years of experience in the IT industry, I bring expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data Center Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning, as well as Virtualization and automation. I have a deep passion for driving innovation through infrastructure automation, particularly using Terraform for efficient provisioning. If you're looking for guidance on automating your infrastructure or have questions about Azure, SQL Server, or cloud migration, feel free to reach out. I often write to capture my own experiences and insights for future reference, but I hope that sharing these experiences through my blog will help others on their journey as well. Thank you for reading!

Deploying LUIS Models to Containers: Step-by-Step Guide with Azure Portal Commands and Screenshots



In this post, we will explore how to deploy a Language Understanding (LUIS) model to a container using the Azure portal. We’ll walk through the steps of selecting the appropriate model version, exporting the model for containers, and running it in a container. Along the way, we’ll share commands and instructions on where to find each option in the Azure portal.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is LUIS and Why Deploy it in Containers?
  2. Understanding LUIS Versioning
  3. Key Steps to Deploy a LUIS Model in a Container
  4. Detailed Steps with Commands and Azure Portal Screenshots
    1. Selecting the Correct Version of the LUIS Model
    2. Exporting the Model for Containers
    3. Running the Container with the LUIS Model
  5. Memory Techniques and Mnemonics
  6. Story-based Mnemonic for Retaining the Process
  7. Conclusion

1. What is LUIS and Why Deploy it in Containers?

Language Understanding (LUIS) is a machine learning-based service from Azure that allows developers to build applications that can understand human language. Deploying a LUIS model to a container allows you to run the model in various environments without requiring a constant internet connection.

2. Understanding LUIS Versioning

A LUIS application can have multiple versions, and each version can be trained and published separately. Only versions that have been trained and published can be deployed to containers. This step is crucial when preparing a model for deployment.

3. Key Steps to Deploy a LUIS Model in a Container

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Select the correct version of the LUIS app.
  2. Export the model for container deployment.
  3. Run the container with the exported model.

4. Detailed Steps with Commands and Azure Portal Screenshots

Step 1: Selecting the Correct Version of the LUIS Model

Where in the Azure Portal:

  • In the Azure portal, go to the LUIS section.
  • Navigate to your LUIS application (app1 in this case).
  • Under Manage, select the Versions tab.

Correct Action:

  • select the version to export:- you need to choose the latest version that is deployable.According to the table, the latest version with a trained date and no published date is V1.1

Azure Portal View:

  • You will see a list of versions. Only v1.1 has both a trained and published date, meaning it’s ready for deployment.

Step 2: Exporting the Model for Containers

Where in the Azure Portal:

  • After selecting v1.1, go to the Export option under Manage > Versions.
  • From the options, select Export for Containers (GZIP).

Azure Portal View:

  • A drop-down will appear with options to export the model as either JSON or for containers (GZIP). Select the GZIP format to export the model for container deployment.

Command for Export (optional):

You can use the Azure CLI or SDK to export the model:


az cognitiveservices account export --name <your-app-name> --resource-group <your-resource-group> --export-format GZIP --output-path <path-to-save-gzip-file>

Step 3: Running the Container with the Exported LUIS Model

Once you have the exported model in GZIP format, you can run it in a container. Here's how you do it using Docker.

Docker Command:


docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name luis-container \ -v /path-to-your-exported-gzip:/path-in-container:ro \ --env LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY=<your-luis-key> \ --env LUIS_ENDPOINT=<your-luis-endpoint> \ mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/luis \ Eula=accept


  • docker run -d -p 5000:5000: This starts a detached Docker container that exposes port 5000 for communication.
  • --name luis-container: This assigns the name "luis-container" to the running container.
  • -v /path-to-your-exported-gzip:/path-in-container:ro: This mounts your exported GZIP model file inside the container.
  • LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY and LUIS_ENDPOINT: These environment variables are needed to authenticate and run the model.

Where in the Azure Portal:

  • You can also use the Azure Container Registry (ACR) if you want to run this model in a cloud container.

5. Memory Techniques and Mnemonics

To remember the steps in order, use the mnemonic "SERiously Exported and Running!":

  • Select the version.
  • Export the model.
  • Run the container.

This will help you keep the sequence in mind: Select, Export, Run.

6. Story-based Mnemonic for Retaining the Process

Imagine you’re an astronaut preparing your spaceship for launch (LUIS model deployment):

  • First, you make sure the correct version of the spaceship is ready (Select).
  • Then, you package everything inside neatly (Export).
  • Finally, you launch the spaceship and let it run in space (Run).

In this story:

  • The correct version of the spaceship is v1.1.
  • Packaging is exporting the model as GZIP.
  • Launching is running the container with the model inside.

7. Conclusion

Deploying LUIS models to containers is an essential task for any AI developer who wants to run natural language models in diverse environments. The key steps are selecting the trained and published model version, exporting it in the correct format, and running it inside a container.

With the commands provided, Azure portal instructions, and memory techniques, you’ll be able to confidently deploy LUIS models in your own projects.

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