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I am an MCSE in Data Management and Analytics, specializing in MS SQL Server, and an MCP in Azure. With over 19+ years of experience in the IT industry, I bring expertise in data management, Azure Cloud, Data Center Migration, Infrastructure Architecture planning, as well as Virtualization and automation. I have a deep passion for driving innovation through infrastructure automation, particularly using Terraform for efficient provisioning. If you're looking for guidance on automating your infrastructure or have questions about Azure, SQL Server, or cloud migration, feel free to reach out. I often write to capture my own experiences and insights for future reference, but I hope that sharing these experiences through my blog will help others on their journey as well. Thank you for reading!

Understanding Anomaly Detection in Azure AI: Multivariate vs. Univariate Approaches for Monitoring Engine Data

 Understanding Anomaly Detection in Azure AI: Multivariate vs. Univariate Approaches for Monitoring Engine Data


In today's complex systems, monitoring and detecting anomalies are crucial to maintaining system health and preventing potential failures. In scenarios such as analyzing engine sensor data—where multiple parameters like rotation speed, angle, temperature, and pressure are involved—anomaly detection becomes vital. This blog will explore two key anomaly detection techniques: Multivariate Anomaly Detection and Univariate Anomaly Detection. We’ll discuss how to implement them using Azure AI services and provide practical use cases, along with the necessary commands and architecture references.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Anomaly Detection?
  2. Univariate Anomaly Detection
    • Explanation
    • Use Cases
    • Implementation in Azure
  3. Multivariate Anomaly Detection
    • Explanation
    • Use Cases
    • Implementation in Azure
  4. Key Differences: Multivariate vs. Univariate Anomaly Detection
  5. Choosing the Right Method for Engine Sensor Monitoring
  6. Practical Example: Monitoring Engine Sensor Data
  7. Conclusion

1. What is Anomaly Detection?

Anomaly detection is the process of identifying patterns in data that deviate significantly from the expected behavior. These anomalies or outliers can indicate critical conditions, such as equipment failures, security threats, or operational inefficiencies.

Memory Aid (Mnemonic):

Think of "ODD":

  • Outlier detection
  • Data monitoring
  • Deviation from norms

2. Univariate Anomaly Detection:

Univariate Anomaly Detection focuses on monitoring one variable at a time. For example, if you are monitoring the temperature of an engine, this method will track the temperature values over time and flag any deviations from normal behavior.


  • How it works: Detects anomalies by analyzing each sensor’s data independently. It identifies whether the values deviate from expected thresholds or normal ranges for a single metric.
  • Example: Monitoring the rotation speed of an engine. If the rotation speed exceeds a set threshold, it triggers an alert.

Use Cases:

  • Single metric monitoring: Perfect for scenarios where only one sensor or data stream is of concern.
  • Temperature monitoring: In manufacturing, where temperature consistency is vital for product quality.

Implementation in Azure:

Azure provides Univariate Anomaly Detection through Azure Monitor with Metric Alerts.

Azure CLI Command:

az monitor metrics alert create \ --name "RotationSpeedAlert" \ --resource-group "ResourceGroup" \ --metric "RotationSpeed" \ --operator "GreaterThan" \ --threshold 1000 \ --window-size 5m \ --evaluation-frequency 1m

3. Multivariate Anomaly Detection:

Multivariate Anomaly Detection looks at multiple variables (or features) together to detect anomalies. It understands the relationship between these variables and identifies anomalies when the combination of variables deviates from normal patterns.


  • How it works: Considers the correlation between multiple sensors. For example, it will analyze not just the rotation speed but also how the speed correlates with engine temperature, pressure, and angle. If the combination of these variables doesn't follow typical patterns, it flags an anomaly.
  • Example: If the engine’s rotation speed and temperature rise together, that could be normal. But if the temperature rises without an increase in speed, this might indicate an issue.

Use Cases:

  • Complex systems monitoring: Engines or machines where multiple interconnected metrics need to be monitored together.
  • Finance: Tracking stock prices, where multiple factors (e.g., volume, volatility, and price) influence each other.

Implementation in Azure:

You can implement Multivariate Anomaly Detection using Azure Cognitive Services. This service is more advanced and provides better results for complex, interrelated data streams.

Azure CLI Command:


az cognitiveservices account create \ --name "AnomalyDetectionService" \ --resource-group "ResourceGroup" \ --kind "AnomalyDetector" \ --sku S1 \ --location "eastus"

4. Key Differences: Multivariate vs. Univariate Anomaly Detection:

FeatureUnivariate DetectionMultivariate Detection
MonitorsSingle variableMultiple variables
Accuracy for complex systemsLowHigh
Best forSimple systemsComplex interdependent systems

Story-Based Memory Technique:

Imagine you're flying a helicopter (multivariate). You need to watch multiple gauges—altitude, speed, and engine temperature. If one gauge looks off but the others are normal, you might be fine. But if two or three gauges are off together, there’s likely a problem. Now, think of riding a bicycle (univariate)—you only need to focus on speed. If you're too fast or too slow, that's the only anomaly you need to worry about.

5. Choosing the Right Method for Engine Sensor Monitoring:

For monitoring engine sensor data, where several factors like rotation speed, angle, temperature, and pressure are at play, Multivariate Anomaly Detection is the more appropriate choice. This is because these parameters are interconnected, and analyzing them together will give a clearer picture of engine health.

6. Practical Example: Monitoring Engine Sensor Data


You are building a monitoring system for an industrial engine. The engine has multiple sensors, including:

  • Rotation Speed
  • Engine Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Angle

Using Multivariate Anomaly Detection, you can analyze all these sensors together to ensure the engine is running smoothly and detect any unusual behavior that might indicate a problem.

Azure Architecture Diagram:

A diagram illustrating how Azure Cognitive Services (Anomaly Detector) works with an IoT system, gathering data from sensors, sending it to the cloud, and using the anomaly detection model to monitor engine health.

7. Conclusion:

Choosing between Univariate and Multivariate Anomaly Detection depends on the complexity of the system you're monitoring. For simple, single-variable systems, univariate detection works well. However, for systems with multiple interrelated variables—like engine sensors—multivariate detection provides more accurate and insightful results.

By leveraging Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Monitor, you can effectively monitor and maintain complex systems, ensuring timely detection of any anomalies.

Azure Portal Reference:

  • For Multivariate Anomaly Detection, explore the Azure Anomaly Detector in the portal: Azure Anomaly Detector
  • For Metric Alerts (Univariate Detection), navigate to Azure Monitor: Azure Monitor

CLI Recap:

  • Univariate (Metric Alert):
az monitor metrics alert create \
--name "RotationSpeedAlert" \ --resource-group "ResourceGroup" \ --metric "RotationSpeed" \ --operator "GreaterThan" \ --threshold 1000
  • Multivariate (Anomaly Detector):

az cognitiveservices account create \ --name "AnomalyDetectionService" \ --resource-group "ResourceGroup" \ --kind "AnomalyDetector" \ --sku S1

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